Challenges as a Leader and How You Can Coach

As a leader, you make choices, multiple choices, as you go along on a day to day basis. Sometimes, it is hard not to jump in and take control. You know the pressure is on you, yet your people may not have the competence that you have, especially when you have been there, done that and your experience still counts. Sometimes, you may even see a need to justify your own presence. Fixing is your natural response when you don’t see things going your way.

But wait, there are actually more of your people than you. What if you stop fixing and start serving? Because when you fix, you see things as weak or broken; when you serve, you see things as whole. Fixing is a form of judgment. Serving is a form of connection. When you develop others, you create scalability and your entire team benefits, the organization grow.


Here are some questions to ask yourself as a leader:

1.    How am I managing my ego?

2.    To what extent am I micro-managing?

3.    What if I micro-observe instead?

4.    How am I creating space for others to perform better?

5.    How well am I relating to others so that they become more willing and committed?

6.    What can I do to stretch the team instead of straining them?


By the way, this is not about being nice, it’s about helping and growing your people. Your action inspires trust and your people will see you as being supportive. This will have a rippling effect on the performance of your team.

If you want to know more about a strength-based solution-focused approach that is brief and effective, let us know. We’d be happy to invite you to witness one of our workshops.


Our Leader as Coach program:

  • is comprehensive and covers practical solution-focused coaching skills
  • exceeds the required number of training hours for AC Recognised Leader as Coach
  • is underpinned by the AC UK coaching competency framework
  • uses the BRIEF Model based on a strength-based process of shifting the focus from one of problem orientation to one of solutions and success
  • includes supervision, reflective learning and practical assessment
  • includes experiential activities to support the participants' learning and development
  • is delivered by a highly experienced team of facilitators
  • incorporates coaching skills practice outside of the class training
  • requires that participants submit a recorded session that is evaluated and that they receive feedback on


For more information,

Please contact or call +65-98519609 (Sin) or +6019, 650 6727 (KL) or visit our website:

Hester Aba